Introduction to Web-Development

Introduction to Web-Development

About Web-Development

Web Development is a small entity in which the document and resources are available in interconnected form which can be accessed from anywhere of the world using the internet.

Types of web-development

Further moving on in a bit detail, Web Development comprises of two things first is websites and second is web applications.
websites contains only static content and there is no user interaction possible in websites .Generally, websites are in reading mode only where user can read the blogs and other necessary documentations.
web application contains dynamic content and user can interact with web applications. Web-Application is used by the user according to their needs because it provides a dynamic interface LinkedIn is itself an example of a Web Application.

Layers of Web application

web application comprises of three layers. These layers forms a complete dynamic interface for the user according to their required need. The first layer is frontend or ui (user-Interface) it basically gives a structure to our web-application . The way a text, an image, a total appearance is provided to the web-application can be obtained by front-end. And the professionals doing front end only are called frontend developers. The technologies used in front end are :-
html , css , javascript and react
Next comes the second layers which is backend. Unlike frontend , the backend does not comes with direct contact with the user. It generally acts as a brain of the web-applications. And the professionals doing only backend only are called backend developers. The technologies involved in backend are nodejs php.
The last layer is the database layer. The database is necessary in every web-applications as it is used to store data , fetch data and resource and it is also used in modification of data. Technology involved in database layers are mongodb, sql.

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